Privacy Policy

EDC SOLUTIONS LLC is the owner of the website, and as such, informs you that to make use of the services offered is necessary to provide certain personal data. EDC SOLUTIONS LLC will act in accordance with the provisions of current legislation and, in particular, in accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD) and the Law on Information Society Services (LSSI), with regard to maintaining the confidentiality and processing of personal data provided voluntarily by users of this website.

Consent and authorization to the processing of your personal data

We inform you that the personal data obtained through the data collection forms of will be processed by EDC SOLUTIONS LLC in order to manage your request (contact form, e-book download form, download forms guides, newsletter) and the maintenance of professional and commercial relations with you, as well as to maintain an informative and promotional link with you, so you can receive, by different means (telephone, sms, mails) communications about offers, products and services that may be of interest to you if you have previously given us your consent.

Your personal data will not be transferred to other companies. However, we inform you that your data may be hosted on servers of companies that provide us with hosting services located outside the European Economic Area, but adhered to the EU-US Privacy Shield ( which guarantees the protection of your data and compliance with European legislation on personal data. These companies are Mailchimp, Go Daddy, Microsoft, Google and Dropbox.

The basis that legitimizes the processing of your data is your consent given by voluntarily filling in the corresponding form with your personal data and accepting this Privacy Policy and/or by checking the box to accept to receive commercial communications. Your data will be kept until you revoke your consent or object to the processing of your data for this purpose.

EDC SOLUTIONS LLC informs you that under no circumstances are you obliged to provide us with your personal data, and that these are adequate, relevant and strictly necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected, however, these are essential to respond to your request or to provide the services offered.

If you have contacted us via email, we inform you that the personal data you have provided will be processed by EDC SOLUTIONS LLC in order to manage and maintain the professional relationships that bind us with you. In order to carry out this management it is possible that your data may be communicated to public entities and administrations necessary for the performance of such management. This data processing is necessary to maintain this professional relationship. Likewise, we inform you that your data will be kept as long as these relationships are maintained and the deadlines set by the tax legislation or during the periods established to meet possible claims.

If you have sent us your resume to EDC SOLUTIONS LLC postal or electronic addresses or you have provided it to us through third party job boards (Linkedin, Infojobs, Universities or Schools), we inform you that your data will be processed by EXPIEY DIGITAL S.L. for the management of its personnel selection processes for vacant positions in the company. Your data will not be disclosed to third parties. This data processing is necessary to meet your job application and is based on the consent you give us by sending us your resume. Your data will be kept only if there is an open selection process and, in this case, until the end of the process.

Data protection rights of the data subject

For the purposes of the provisions of current legislation, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, not to be subject to automated individual decisions, portability and limitation of the processing of your data by contacting the Data Protection Officer of EDC SOLUTIONS LLC, located at 1309 COFFEN AVENUE STE 1200 SHERIDAN, WYOMING 82801 or, accompanied by a copy of your ID card duly proving your identity. You have the right to file a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), if you consider your rights have been infringed.

Updating and Cancellation of your data

It is important that in order for us to keep your personal data updated, you inform us whenever there has been any change in them, otherwise, we are not responsible for the veracity of them. Also, you certify that all the information you provide us is true, valid and relevant for the purpose for which we request it, and that you provide it yourself.

Your data will be kept until you revoke your consent or object to the processing of your data for this purpose, without this conditioning other relationships you have with the entity.

Confidentiality and Data Security Guarantee

EXPIEY DIGITAL S.L., in response to the trust placed in us and taking into account the importance in terms of protection and confidentiality that your personal data require, informs you that it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality, availability, integrity and resilience of its systems and processing services. However, the user must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.

This privacy policy has been updated in October 2022 EDC SOLUTIONS LLC reserves the right to modify its data protection policy in the event that there is a change in current legislation, jurisprudential doctrine or business criteria. If any change is introduced in this policy, the new text will be published at this same address.

Política de cookies
Valoramos tu privacidad

Usamos cookies para mejorar su experiencia de navegación, mostrarle anuncios o contenidos personalizados y analizar nuestro tráfico. Al hacer clic en “Aceptar todo” usted da su consentimiento a nuestro uso de las cookies.
Política de cookies